Our calling is to develop training and resources to equip the worldwide Disciple Making Movement and to catalyze new church planting movements among unreached people groups in West Africa.

It all started in the started in the strangest way…

Do you know the story of The Hobbit? Bilbo Baggins is the hobbit, an unassuming little guy minding his own business and smoking his pipes in the Shire. Then Gandalf the wizard thrusts him into a dragon-slaying adventure in a far off land.

That’s my (Jim’s) story. Like Bilbo, I am short and quiet. I was quite happy as the Missions and Leadership Pastor of the Vineyard Church in Urbana, IL. It was a rewarding role in a wonderful church that I had served for almost 20 years. I was learning all I could about the emerging worldwide Disciple Making Movement,  not so that I could get involved in far-flung places, but because I wanted to make more replicating disciples here in the rural Midwest. But then God interrupted my life in the most unexpected moment through the most surprising encounter of my life. If you want to read more of the story, I recounted it on this blog post.

About Us
Vicki on Motorcycle

Besides being passionate disciple makers, Vicki and I are both published authors and we specialize in reproducible training design. When God changed the direction of our lives several years ago we began raising  our support and became the Curriculum Coordinators for New Generations, a ministry focused on taking the Good News of Jesus to places and people where it has never gone.

Most followers of Jesus don’t realize that only 3% of missions effort and funding goes to reaching “Unreached People Groups,” groups where less than 2% of the population identify themselves as Christians. There are still thousands of places in the world (especially in Northern Africa and Southern Asia) where billions of people have no church or Jesus option.

Vicki and my primary calling is to create tools and resources to help New Generations and other ministries focused on Christ’s commission to make obedient disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

Within that calling we have two specific missions. First, we equip national leaders and catalyze new Disciple Making Movements in West Africa. Second, we help with a project to record and reproduce audio Bible stories for hundreds of languages that currently have no Scripture at all, so that disciples can multiplied and churches reproduced among the world’s least reached people.

If you would like to learn more about our ministry or support us in prayer, subscribe to our newsletter. We are also deeply thankful for those that choose to invest financially in what we do. Gifts and be giving securely online by clicking the Invest button at the bottom of this page or by sending checks made out to “New Generations” at:

Jim & Vicki Egli Missions
New Generations
PO Box 5412
Wheaton, IL 60189

Listening to audio Bible story
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