The Disciple Making Movement (DMM) that is sweeping around the globe began among unreached people groups in remote, rural areas.

Today there is growing interest in multiplying disciple makers in urban centers. But how do the simple, Biblical principles that propel the Disciple Making Movement in out-of-the-way places work in today’s growing urban centers?

Key movement leaders are tackling this question and answers are emerging. A few days ago, David Brookryk, Director of Global Urban Ministry and Innovation for New Generations, spoke to Vineyard Leaders over Zoom about how to multiple disciples in urban settings. If you want to capture his excellent and practical insights, the 43-minute video is posted on YouTube at this link:


Or, for a quick overview, here are my notes from the interview.

Also, earlier this year, Missions Frontiers posted this helpful panel discussion on “Catalyzing Movements in Urban Areas” that included Broodryk and two other veteran DMM practitioners. You can read it at their site at:

Around the world, the Good News of Jesus travels through relational networks, but in cities people’s relational networks are smaller and their lives are busier. This makes all forms of outreach and discipleship more challenging.

At the heart of the Disciple Making Movement are key habits that Jesus modeled and taught. These practices are the foundation of all effective disciple-making in all cultures and contexts, but their application will take different forms in different settings. The above video and articles help bring clarity to how to begin and move forward in making and multiplying urban followers of Jesus.

Holy Spirit, continue to guide us as we seek to follow Jesus in making disciples wherever we are around the world.